15 Libraries To Celebrate Milestone 15th Anniversary in 2025

Judith’s Reading Room Gifts TEACH Rwanda With a STEM Library

15 Global Organizations to Benefit during JRRs 15th Anniversary in 2025   

October 16, 2024 — Judith’s Reading Room named Bright School/TEACH Rwanda its first of 15 global organizations to receive a curated collection of books in celebration of the organization’s 15th anniversary in 2025.

Today’s donation includes 52 books with a cover price value of $800.  The books were purchased and prepared for shipment via container ship leaving the USA in a couple of months.  The library will be dedicated in Muhanga, Rwanda on January 7, 2025 and will serve 340 students and 20 teachers.

The relationship with TEACH Rwanda dates back to 2016 when Judith’s Reading Room donated 137 hand-picked books to Bright School/TEACH Rwanda, a nonprofit founded by Easton, PA residents Jan Brown and her husband William (Bill) Whipple.  That library, Judith’s Reading Room’s 94th in its 17th country, focused on books to serve subsistence farming families and their children.  Bill told us today, “It is a lively, engaging spot on the campus, loved by all the students and teachers!”

To celebrate the organization’s 15th anniversary, Judith’s Reading Room proactively reached out to literacy organizations worldwide to determine who needed books to advance literacy in their city or country.  TEACH Rwanda responded within minutes.  When asked what books the students needed, Ms. Brown told us that “the kids need books with plenty of illustrations to make ideas real because few have access to TV, internet or other windows to the world.  They desire applied science/math books such as architecture, robotics, environment and agriculture and books to help teenagers learn about the possibilities for careers that they would not know about were it not for books.”

A group of volunteers went to town today at Barnes & Noble to purchase the perfect books.   Titles include:  365 Build-it-Yourself Engineering Projects, Think Like a Robotics Engineer, Where the Animals Go — Tracking Wildlife with Technology, Wonder Women of Science, and The Ultimate Biography of Earth.  Bright School students also participate in LEGO Robotics competitions.  Whipple informed us that the subject for 2025 is “Submerged,” an ocean-inspired theme to explore life beneath the surface of the ocean.  With no direct access to the sea, imagine children from a land-locked central African nation competing on such a topic!  To help level the playing field, we also purchased these books:  OCEAN!  Our Watery World as You’ve Never Seen it Before, Ocean — A Visual Encyclopedia, and OCEAN.

“Overall, providing access to STEM books can empower kids, helping them build a bright future to achieve long-term prosperity in an increasingly technology-driven world,” stated Cathy Leiber, President and Co-Founder Judith’s Reading Room.

Rae Durnin

Retired Wilson High School (Easton, PA) Biology teacher, Rae Durnin lent her expertise in selecting the books for Bright School. Durnin will be honored with the organization’s Outstanding Service Award, connecting her forever to the children in Rwanda.

Since 2010, Judith’s Reading Room has established 107 (and counting) libraries in 24 countries (and counting) with more than 133,000 donated books worth $1.4 million.  On the continent of Africa, Judith’s Reading Room has dedicated 9 libraries in 6 nations:  Nigeria -3 libraries;  Zimbabwe – 2 libraries and one each in Namibia, Rwanda, Zambia, and the Ivory Coast.

Judith’s Reading Room, a global literacy nonprofit organization founded in the memory of Judith F. Krug, a distinguished librarian, will mark its 15th anniversary in 2025 by establishing or enhancing 15 Judith’s Reading Room libraries in 2025.  Thirteen (13) organizations are confirmed to receive enhancements to their existing JRR libraries or NEW libraries in 2025, leaving two coveted spots available as of this date.

TEACH Rwanda will receive 52 books with a cover price of $800 to serve 340 students and 20 teachers. These books will enhance the existing Judith’s Reading Room library established there in 2016.



  • Donate Now

    We ask that you please make a donation to Judith’s Reading Room, in support of our ongoing recognition of what is being accomplished in the great world of literacy, as well as funding our shipment of children’s books, both domestically and internationally.