Riz Khan Library at the Kebonagung I School, East Java, Indonesia

A permanent Judith’s Reading Room library, containing 125 children’s books was established inside the Riz Khan Library at the Kebonagung I School, serving 300 students in East Java, Indonesia. The first of two mobile libraries was also dedicated. The mobile library was inaugurated with 230 books and will serve 28 schools reaching nearly 3,500 students. The value of today’s donation is $2,297.

Mobile Library for Harkins House near Portland, Oregon

Dedicated a mobile library to Washington County’s Juvenile Detention Center ‘Harkins House,’ a nationally-recognized model program and short-term temporary residential shelter located near Portland, Oregon. This donation of 219 books, valued at $2,647, is designed to complement their existing curriculum. Literacy is a significant protective factor for at-risk youth and is strongly correlated with reducing recidivism.

LVHN’s Hackerman-Patz House Mobile Library

Donated a mobile library containing 100 coffee table books worth $3,837 to Lehigh Valley Health Network’s Hackerman-Patz House, a “home away from home” that offers loved ones accommodations for a modest charge. The custom collection was designed to help ease the stress and strain by allowing guests to escape the difficulties of the moment with a great book. For three consecutive years, Judith’s Reading Room has donated libraries to LVHN including a total of 1,179 books valued at $12,206.

Libraries dedicated in Yola By Pass, Nigeria

Three (3) Judith’s Reading Room libraries – two mobile and one permanent — were dedicated today in Yola By Pass, Adamawa State, Nigeria serving nine (9) educational institutions and impacting over 10,000 students.   Judith’s Reading Room collaborated with the American University of Nigeria, the Rotary Club of Yola, Remi Foundation, a school serving 400 including 100 special needs children, and the Karatu Foundation, an organization created to sustain libraries in various institutions in the Yola area, with the goal of increasing literacy in this area of northern Nigeria.  The first donation of 120 books valued at $1,038 marked the beginning of a long-term commitment on the part of Judith’s Reading Room to ship two boxes of books per month.  As of December 2012, a total of 599 books worth $3,912 have been shipped to Nigeria.

1st-ever English language children’s library at the Candipari II School, Sidoarjo, East Java

Dedicated the first-ever English language children’s library at the Candipari II School, Sidoarjo, East Java, Indonesia, serving 211 children.  Located within the Miep Gies library containing local language books, Judith’s Reading Room, containing 125 children’s books in English worth $1,033, was dedicated today on what would have been Miep Gies’ 103rd birthday.

New Collaborative Partnership with The World is Just a Book Away

Dedicated our first “library-within-a-library” of The World is Just a Book Away in Sidoarjo, East Java, Indonesia

Judith’s Reading Room and California-based The World is Just a Book Away announces our partnership to bring English and local language books to 27,000 children across Indonesia. We dedicated our first “library-within-a-library” of The World is Just a Book Away in Sidoarjo, East Java, Indonesia with 125 hand-picked pre-school English-language books.

WIJABAA Judith’s Reading Room Library is a collection of 100+ English books that exists within a WIJABA Library. WIJABA partnered with Judith’s Reading Room to provide English books to all WIJABA’s Libraries and Mobile Libraries, while also fulfilling the children’s great desires to learn and practice their English skills.

  • Donate Now

    We ask that you please make a donation to Judith’s Reading Room, in support of our ongoing recognition of what is being accomplished in the great world of literacy, as well as funding our shipment of children’s books, both domestically and internationally.