Changes to the 2018 Award will encourage teachers, librarians, and authors
January 29, 2018 — Lehigh Valley, Pa. Judith’s Reading Room, a non-profit literacy organization founded in 2010, is currently accepting applications for its 2018 “Freedom Through Literacy” Award. Changes to the 2018 Award will encourage teachers, librarians and authors both here and around the world.
The 4th annual “Freedom Through Literacy” Award, the signature element of Judith’s Reading Room, will honor a Top Prize winner with $3,000 cash. The “Judith’s Award,” a new prize category, in the amount of $500, is designed exclusively for teachers, librarians and authors. They are also eligible to win the Top Prize.
A second new prize is announced today: Prize totals vary — up to a total of $1,000 — Board members will nominate, on a rolling basis, champions of literacy. Called
“Board Option” this prize engages board members to be “on the lookout,” constantly, for exemplary individuals whose work instills in others a love of reading.
Applications for the 2018 “Freedom Through Literacy” Award are available on line at Anyone working in the field of literacy — teachers, librarians, authors, educators, booksellers — is encouraged to apply. Deadline for Applications: July 6, 2018.
Since its inception in 2010, Judith’s Reading Room has dedicated 95 libraries in 18 countries with over 127,000 books valued at nearly $1.4 million dollars. Since 2015, $24,500 cash has been awarded to winners of the “Freedom Through Literacy” Award.