15 Libraries To Celebrate Milestone 15th Anniversary in 2025

15 Libraries To Celebrate Milestone 15th Anniversary in 2025

Judith’s Reading Room announces launch dates are set for four libraries

October 1, 2024 — Judith’s Reading Room, a global literacy nonprofit organization founded in 2010 in the memory of Judith F. Krug, a distinguished librarian, announced that it will mark its 15th anniversary in 2025 by establishing or enhancing 15 Judith’s Reading Room libraries in 2025 to be filled with at least 1,500 new books.  Launch dates are set for four libraries.

As of today, Judith’s Reading Room confirms four (4) libraries are set to be established in 2025. Two brand new libraries will be dedicated and two Judith’s Reading Room libraries will be expanded.  In Colombo, the capital of Sri Lanka, and Mosaic Preparatory Academy in East Harlem, New York will dedicate their inaugural Judith’s Reading Room libraries.   The Bright School in Muhanga, Rwanda and Escuela Agustin Flores in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico will receive custom collections for their existing libraries.

To date, the organization has established 107 Judith’s Reading Room libraries in 24 countries with more than 133,000 donated books worth $1.4 million.  Next year’s celebration will accelerate the distribution of books around the world.  “Judith’s Reading Room libraries are custom-curated in collaboration with each recipient organization.  Needs change as the audience served changes.  We recognize that book collections must be updated to inspire a love of reading,” said Cathy Leiber, President, Judith’s Reading Room.

The mission of Judith’s Reading Room is to “enrich lives and societies by proactively encouraging freedom through literacy.”  It has achieved that by establishing 107 libraries in 24 countries with more than 133,000 books donated valued at $1.4 million.  It will dedicate its 108th library in Prague, Czech Republic in November 2024.

If you would like to recommend a recipient organization to be a part of the 15 Libraries in 2025, we have 11 spots left.


Banned Books Week 2024

CONTACT:  Cathy Leiber


Banned Books Week Shines Spotlight on Threats to First Amendment
Judith’s Reading Room Works to Defend Each Person’s Right to Read

September 20, 2024 — The American Library Association will highlight the dramatic increase in threats against First Amendment rights during its annual Banned Books Week  celebration this year, scheduled for September 22-28, 2024.  

Judith’s Reading Room, a global literacy nonprofit founded in 2010 in the memory of Judith F. Krug, a distinguished librarian, supports the right to read and freedom through literacy.  Judith F. Krug, cousin to the founders of Judith’s Reading Room, served as the ALA’s Director, Office for Intellectual Freedom for 40 years and in that capacity, she founded Banned Books Week in 1982.

The American Library Association condemns censorship and works to defend each person’s right to read under the First Amendment and to ensure free access to information.  According to the ALA, the number of titles targeted for censorship at public libraries increased by 92% over the previous year.  

The Top 10 Most Challenged Books of 2023 were:

  1. Gender Queer:  A Memoir by Maia Kobabe.  Challenged for LGBTQIA+ content
  2. All Boys Aren’t Blue by George M. Johnson. Challenged for LGBTQIA+ content
  3. This Book is Gay by Juno Dawson.  Challenged for LGBTQIA+ content
  4. The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky.  Challenged for sexually explicit, LGBTQIA+ content
  5. Flamer by Mike Curato.  Challenged for LGBTIA+ content
  6. The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison.  Challenged for rape, incest, sexually explicit

7/8. (Tie) Me and Earl & The Dying Girl by Jesse Andrews.  Challenged for sexually explicit and profanity

7/8. (Tie) Tricks by Ellen Hopkins.  Challenged for sexually explicit, drugs, rape, LGBTQIA+ content

9.  Let’s Talk About It:  The Teen’s Guide to Sex by Erika Moen & Matthew Nolan.  Challenged for sexually explicit, sex education

10.  Sold by Patricia McCormick.  Challenged for sexually explicit and rape.

The public is reminded to stand up against bullies who want to tell you what to read.  In 1982 Judith Krug staunchly defended everyone’s right to read and said, “no one has the right to tell us what we can or cannot read.”  Please support everyone’s freedom to read under the protection of the First Amendment , visit your local library and thank your librarian and library workers who confront people attempting to remove materials from libraries.

Judith’s Reading Room, a 501 (c) 3, established in 2010, has dedicated 107 libraries in 24 countries with over 133,000 donated books valued at more than $1.4 million.  The organization recognizes individual champions of literacy through its ‘Freedom Through Literacy’ Award that has distributed $58,100 to 71 individuals in 18 countries.

++ END++


2024 Founders’ Award Recipient – Jordan Butler


CONTACT: Cathy Leiber

Judith’s Reading Room Names Recipient of its 2024 Founders’ Award
In honor of literacy heroes everywhere who nourish souls and fulfill dreams

September 12, 2024 — Judith’s Reading Room, a global literacy nonprofit organization founded in 2010 in the memory of Judith F. Krug, a distinguished librarian and first-cousin to the organization’s founders, established in 2022 its signature “Founders’ Award” to honor literacy heroes who have had to overcome immense obstacles to enrich lives through literacy.

Cathy and Scott Leiber, founders of Judith’s Reading Room, proudly announce that Jordan Butler, himself founder of the nonprofit Heavy Sound, East Lothian, Scotland is named recipient of the 2024 Founders’ Award. Cathy and Scott met Butler in August 2024 to dedicate the 107 th Judith’s Reading Room library in its 24th country at Heavy Sound, located near Edinburgh in the seaside village of East Lothian, Scotland.

L to R: Jordan Butler, Cathy Leiber, Scott Leiber at Heavy Sound, East Lothian, Scotland

Based on his own lived experience of homelessness, mental health, addiction and involvement in the criminal justice system of Scotland, Butler turned his life around, and in a herculean effort founded Heavy Sound to help other vulnerable and disconnected young people. Today, it is a thriving hub for some of the most vulnerable, at-risk and hardest to reach young people in Scotland. Heavy Sound provides a trusted space devoted to teaching bicycle repair, musical
instrumentation, and access to literacy through the recently dedicated Judith’s Reading Room library (shown below) filled with 124 ‘must-have’ Graphic Novels.
Judith’s Reading Room Library #107, East Lothian, Scotland

Butler recognizes the barriers illiteracy causes that haunt people throughout their lives. He sought to cut the cycle by inspiring and supporting others to become readers and writers. As a boy, Butler found solace from a dysfunctional home inside his community library. That library was a haven and shelter from the storm, while the librarians provided understanding and compassion. The library, librarians and books saved his life.

In recognition of Butler’s measurable impact on the life of disaffected fellow citizens, and his dedication to bring literature into their lives, Judith’s Reading Room is proud to name Butler its 2024 Founders’ Award recipient and awards him with a prize of $1,000.For more information about Judith’s Reading Room’s initiatives, including previous recipients of the Founders’ Award, visit www.judithsreadingroom.org.

The Founders’ Award
2024 – Mr. Jordan Butler, Heavy Sound, East Lothian, Edinburgh, Scotland
2022 – Ms. Basarat Kazim, Alif Laila Book Bus Society, Lahore, Pakistan
2022 – Ms. Simon Ke, Anjali House, Siem Reap, Cambodia


Kudos to Prendergast Library, Jamestown, NY


Kudos to Prendergast Library, Jamestown, NY

August 31, 2024 – Jamestown NY. 

Kudos to Prendergast Library, Jamestown, New York, one of 38 libraries in the Chautauqua-Cattaragus Library System in western New York, for supporting a summer reading program.

Today, IT Librarian, Kristie Bemis joyfully recognized the library’s most voracious readers with prizes and new books at a Summer Reading Finale.

Mom Stacy and daughter Phoenix, shown below, epitomize the role of active parents in instilling a love of reading in their children.  Stacy told me that she reads to her two children no less than one hour and often two hours per day.  She eschews video games in favor of books.  Phoenix modeled her bead necklace — each bead represents one hour of reading.
Conscientious citizens everywhere are showing up in support of their local libraries.  Join them today at your local library!

Graphic Novels Comprise Curated Library


CONTACT: Cathy Leiber

Graphic Novels Comprise Curated Library Destined for
Children in Scotland with Poor/No Literacy

Update – Sept. 19, 2024 – letter and poster from Linda Bendle, CEO, Heavy Sound

Hi Cathy and Marc,
I hope this finds you well.  I thought you might like to see the attached which we have been sharing on our social media and with our network, accompanied by the following quote:
“The more that you read, the more things you will know.  The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go”.
Dr Seuss.
I have asked Sarah to send an update on engagement in due course which I will pass on too, however safe to say we are definitely off to a good start with the books.
Warmest wishes,  Linda
Linda Bendle


UpdateAugust 2024

Photos taken today at the dedication of our 107th library in our 24th country. The 124 graphic novels were hand-picked for the at-risk children with low or no literacy skills served by Heavy Sound. The books were curated by The Scottish Book Trust.


April 16, 2024 —  Judith’s Reading Room today purchased 124 teenage graphic novels identified by The Scottish Book Trust, Edinburgh, Scotland that will constitute a first-ever library at Heavy Sound in East Lothian, Scotland when Judith’s Reading Room dedicates its 107th library in its 24th country.

Reading has to start somewhere and kids need to develop confidence that they can do it.  For many, graphic novels are the perfect stepping stone for reluctant readers or for kids afraid of seeing so many words on a page.  The 124 ‘must-have’ graphic novels were purchased at Center Valley, PA Barnes & Noble with a cover price of $2,456 and will be shipped to coincide with the dedication of the library on August 10, 2024.

“Graphic novel kids can relate to pictures and that helps them understand the storyline,” said Barnes & Noble Manager Erin Cornish.  She added, “Once they grasp the reading aspect, the light bulb goes on!”  Cornish and her colleagues Kayla Sharott and Amy Schenkenberger scoured the stacks and ordered the books to create the perfect collection.

The Judith’s Reading Room’s 107th library will be installed at Heavy Sound, a nonprofit based in East Lothian, Scotland that works with some of Scotland’s most vulnerable and disconnected teens with poor to no literacy.  Heavy Sound recognizes the barriers illiteracy causes throughout their lives and therefore aims to inspire and support them to become readers and writers.

“The idea is to not only get these kids onto grade level reading, but to instill in them a love of reading that will catapult them into a lifelong relationship with literature,” said Cathy Leiber, President, Judith’s Reading Room.


## END ##


Judith’s Reading Room Expands to 25 Countries


CONTACT: Cathy Leiber

Judith’s Reading Room Expands to 25 Countries
Czech Republic to become its 5th country in Europe

August 3, 2024 — In collaboration with the Czech Republic’s nonprofit Pink Crocodile Charity for Children and The Neratov Association, Judith’s Reading Room announced today that it has finalized steps to dedicate its 108th library at the Zahradka Primary School and the Neratov Primary School on November 8, 2024.  Located in Prague and East Bohemia, respectively, the curated traveling library will serve specials needs children.  This marks a milestone for the organization:  The library in the Czech Republic will bring to a total East Bohemia where Judith’s Reading Room is established.

Zahradka Primary is a special education school for pupils with multiple handicaps and autism spectrum disorders.  The school serves 36 pupils in five classes that allow for individual education plans.  The goal is to give pupils a level of independence while building their social skills.  Reading books aloud are a key part of building those skills.

The special school Neratov is part of a larger association caring for people with disabilities in the region of Neratov, a small village in East Bohemia close to the Polish border.  The association Neratov provides sheltered work shops, jobs, and assisted living for people with mental disabilities.

In agreement with Pink Crocodile’s board member Ulrike Michel-Schneider, the Zahradka Primary School will act as the “mother” library.  Pink Crocodile will then “travel” with a selection of the books to “satellite” schools and institutions, each serving between 10-40 students.  “In this manner, Judith’s Reading Room’s books will reach more children throughout the Czech Republic as the books constantly rotate, said Cathy Leiber, Co-Founder, Judith’s Reading Room.

Pink Crocodile staff curated the comprehensive list of children’s books that teachers say students will enjoy and find interesting.  The custom library includes 80 concept and story books in the form of board books plus sound, touch and feel sensory books.  Judith’s Reading Room donated $1,000 toward the purchase of the curated library.

“It has been a great opportunity to further support the organizations we already serve.  Books are an important part in the education for children with special needs.  Extending the mission of Judith’s Reading Room goes hand in hand with our mission,” says Ulrike Michel-Schneider from Pink Crocodile in Prague.

Judith’s Reading Room in Europe

The Czech Republic will become the 5th European country to house a Judith’s Reading Room library.   In 2012, Judith’s Reading Room dedicated two libraries in Albania at the request of US Peace Corps volunteers — the Rakip Kocibelli School in Qatrom and the Polene Elementary School near Korce.  Two years later, in 2014, Judith’s Reading Room established five libraries-within-libraries in Romania at the behest of its Resita City municipal librarian, Dominique Zara.  She requested our support to deliver books for the city’s 70,000 residents who lacked access to books in English.  In 2015, Judith’s Reading Room responded to US Peace Corps volunteers and shipped books to the Risbek Aidarliev School, serving 902 students in The Kyrgyz Republic (Kyrgyzstan).

On August 10, 2024, the organization will dedicate its 107th library in Edinburgh, Scotland in collaboration with The Scottish Book Trust and Heavy Sound, a nonprofit serving at-risk teens.  In November, 2024, Judith’s Reading Room will open its 108th library in collaboration with Pink Crocodile Charity for Children that serves special schools Zahradka Primary School (Prague) and Neratov in East Bohemia.   Both organizations serve underprivileged children with multiple handicaps and autism spectrum disorders.

Judith’s Reading Room, a 501(c)3 literacy organization, was founded in 2010 in the memory of Judith F. Krug, first cousin to the founders.  Judy, a distinguished librarian, served as Director, Office for Intellectual Freedom at the American Library Association for 40 years, notably defending First Amendment rights of her fellow librarians.

Judith’s Reading Room’s mission is to enrich lives and societies by proactively encouraging freedom through literacy.  The organization has actively pursued that mission by establishing, to date, 106 libraries in 23 countries with more than 133,000 donated books worth USD $1.4 million.  For more information, visit www.judithsreadingroom.org.


Chautauqua Institution’s Eventide Event


CONTACT: Cathy Leiber

Judith’s Reading Room featured at Chautauqua Institution’s Eventide Event
Curated book collections and role of book clubs highlighted

July 25, 2024 — Chautauqua, NY — Last night the Alumni Association of Chautauqua Institution’s Literary & Scientific Circle (CLSC) hosted the founders of Judith’s Reading Room, a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit headquartered in eastern PA, at their once-a-week Eventide Event.  The organization’s mission and work over the last 15 years melded perfectly with Week Five’s theme:  Our Greatest Challenges (that we can actually do something about.)

Since its founding in 2010, Judith’s Reading Room has dedicated 106 libraries in 23 countries with books curated for the exact audience being served.  For example, books written by or about Indigenous people were selected for its library serving the Navajo Nation in Chinle, AZ.  Books by or about black children were provided for its libraries in Tunica and Sunflower, MS.

The audience was engaged in a detailed conversation about the mechanics of opening libraries and filling them with curated books and offered suggestions for outreach in Kansas City, MO and  other US states.  The co-founders offered its insights into how average Americans can actually do something about “Our Greatest Challenges:  Promoting Literacy.”

The CLSC is the oldest continuous book club in the United States dating to 1878.  Over 8,400 people enrolled the first year.  Reading Circles proliferated around the country and by the turn of the century, over 10,000 circles had been formed.  It came as no surprise to the audience that the founders, members of CLSC, also emphasized the significant importance of their home town book club, Club Read of Easton, PA.  Co-founder, Cathy Leiber, a member of Club Read for 20 years, catapulted the creation of book clubs at residential homes for at-risk youth.  To date, Judith’s Reading Room maintains book clubs in connection with its libraries at such homes in three states:  Louisiana, Oregon and Pennsylvania.

To date, Judith’s Reading Room has established 106 libraries in 23 countries with more than 133,000 books donated.  On August 10, the organization will dedicate its 107th library in Edinburgh, Scotland in collaboration with The  Scottish Book Trust and Heavy Sound, a local non-profit serving disadvantaged youth 12-15 who are below grade level reading.  On November 8, Judith’s Reading Room will open its 108th library in Prague, The Czech Republic, with partner Pink Crocodile serving children with multiple disorders.

For more information on the role of book clubs for at-risk or reluctant readers, visit the website at www.judithsreadingroom.org,  Click on ‘ABOUT US’ and scroll down to Initiatives to see the documentary “Cracking Open the Universe” produced by Judith’s Reading Room.

** END **

Outstanding Service Award — Dorothy Martin, Travel Specialist

Outstanding Service Award — Dorothy Martin, Travel Specialist

Travel Agent Honored for Commitment to Expanding Social Impact of Judith’s Reading Room

July 3, 2024 — In pursuit of its mission, “to enrich lives and societies by proactively encouraging freedom through literacy,” Judith’s Reading Room, a literacy nonprofit based in eastern Pennsylvania, honored Dorothy Martin, Travel Specialist with Grand European Travel (GET) for her compassion to improve the lives of at-risk youth in Edinburgh, Scotland.  Martin received the organization’s Outstanding Service Award and will be acknowledged during the dedication of Judith’s Reading Room’s 107th library in Edinburgh on August 10.

At a meeting in September 2023 in Tigard, a suburb of Portland, Oregon, Judith’s Reading Room introduced its capability to offer curated libraries with books in English to local schools and established its hope that through the good offices of GET, the organization’s mission would be communicated to travelers and travel agents alike.

Judith’s Reading Room will dedicate its library at Heavy Sound, a nonprofit organization in Edinburgh that serves care-experienced youth.  The curated collection of 124 graphic novels valued at $2,456 was achieved through the collaboration of The Scottish Book Trust.

“An innovative way to step up the expansion of our organization’s presence around the world is to link up with travel organizations that are committed to making a positive social impact in the communities they visit.  GET is exactly that kind of organization, evidenced by its compassionate travel specialist Dorothy Martin, its TreadRight Foundation and ‘Be My Guest’ initiatives,” said Cathy Leiber, President, Judith’s Reading Room.

Travel organizations like GET understand that American travelers are looking for deeper connections and experiences such as when travelers read to children in local schools.  This is where Judith’s Reading Room comes in, as the organization is set up to provide the perfect books in English for the school, orphanage, day care or community center.

Including Edinburgh, Scotland, Judith’s Reading Room will have dedicated 107 libraries in 24 countries with 133,000 books donated worth more than $1.4 million.  The organization’s 2024 goal is to expand library donations across Europe.  Currently, Judith’s Reading Room has created 5 libraries in Romania, two in Albania, and one in The Kyrgyz Republic.  Following Scotland, the organization will dedicate its tenth library in Europe and its 108th library in Prague, Czech Republic in November.

For more information, visit www.judithsreadingroom.org.


Encourage Siblings to Read Aloud to Younger Siblings


CONTACT: Cathy Leiber

Encourage Siblings to Read Aloud to Younger Siblings

Choose a Summer of Reading & Make Lifetime Memories

May 30, 2024 — Judith’s Reading Room, a literacy nonprofit organization dedicated to enriching lives and societies by proactively encouraging freedom through literacy suggests a ‘sibling-to-sibling’ summer activity that will surely build lifetime memories.

In partnership with Washington County Juvenile Detention Center’s ‘Harkins House,’ a nationally recognized model program and short-term residential shelter located near Portland, Oregon, the Juvenile Service Supervisor recently shared the outcome of receiving the latest shipment of books donated by Judith’s Reading Room.

In celebration of 12 consecutive years of enhancing its Judith’s Reading Room library at ‘Harkins House,’ the organization added 67 YA and children’s books to grow the library to 708 books valued at nearly $9,000.

Martha Villegas, Juvenile Service Supervisor shared, “the youth had the opportunity to look through the books and pick out books for their younger siblings.  They were able to use this opportunity to engage in reading with their younger siblings during family time at Harkins House.”  She added, “It was nice to see how the family as a whole enjoyed spending time onsite reading together as an activity that included younger siblings.  The youth shared excitement in being able to give their sibling a book and see their responses with big smiles on their faces.”

This summer, choose a family activity by visiting your local library or book store and encourage older siblings to pick out books to read aloud to their younger siblings.  Imagine the joy that one ‘Harkins House’ youth felt when they said, “this is the first time I have ever read to my little sister.”

Judith’s Reading Room and Harkins House Celebrate 12 Years


CONTACT: Cathy Leiber

The Judith’s Reading Room Library at Portland, Oregon’s ‘Harkins House’ Celebrates 12 Years 

April 25, 2024 — Judith’s Reading Room, a nonprofit literacy organization based in eastern Pennsylvania announced that it had deepened its commitment to providing quality literature to ‘Harkins House,’ a residential shelter for teens near Portland, Oregon.

In May 2012, Judith’s Reading Room established a library at Washington County Juvenile Detention Center’s ‘Harkins House,’ a nationally recognized model program and short-term temporary residential shelter located near Portland, Oregon.  Based on research, literacy is a significant protective factor for at-risk youth and is strongly correlated with reducing recidivism.  For those reasons, Judith’s Reading Room has sustained its efforts to provide books and a path to building social skills and literacy.

In celebration of the 12 consecutive years of enhancing the initial library of 219 books, Judith’s Reading Room announced today that it has added 67 high-quality books at a cover price of $735.  The library has grown to 708 books valued at $8,734 and with today’s donation, includes New York Times Bestsellers, National Book Award Finalists, Stonewall Honor Books, John Newbery Medal authors and Best Book of the Year.

The organization has had a hands-on approach with its Judith’s Reading Room library with members of the board of directors visiting ‘Harkins House,’ conducting Banned Books events, supporting Book Clubs and producing a film documentary called “Cracking Open the Universe” that revealed to researchers from Lafayette College in Easton, PA that book clubs enhanced participation and positively impacted participants’ attitudes about pleasure reading.

For more information about Judith’s Reading Room and its annual “Freedom Through Literacy Award,” visit www.judithsreadingroom.org.

  • Donate Now

    We ask that you please make a donation to Judith’s Reading Room, in support of our ongoing recognition of what is being accomplished in the great world of literacy, as well as funding our shipment of children’s books, both domestically and internationally.