CONTACT: Cathy Leiber
Camel Named ‘Bright’ Delivers Books to Children in Hard to Reach Villages

The Camel Library for Kech Balochistan was awarded a 2020 Judith’s Reading Room ‘Freedom Through Literacy’ Board Option Prize. The annual ‘Freedom Through Literacy Award’ honors champions of literacy from all disciplines from around the world. To date, 36 individuals have been awarded prizes totaling $38,500.
In partnership with Ms. Basarat Kazim, President of Alif Laila Book Bus Society, who is credited with the creative and innovative camel library, Murad and Bright will visit three communities on a rotating basis delivering picture books, bi-lingual English & Urdu books, and English language very easy readers.
The Camel Library will circulate books via a monitoring system supervised by local volunteers. Their goal is to develop a reading culture in these isolated communities. Photos and videos of ‘Bright,’ the camel can be seen at
“Upon seeing ‘Bright,’ one little girl exclaimed, “I never thought camels could carry books. I only thought they could carry sticks or grass!” “Parents report that now their children are the ones telling them stories. Before, it was the other way around,” said Ms. Kazim. She continued, “another girl exclaimed, ‘please let me keep more than one book — if I finish the book in one day what will I do for the rest of the week?’”
Judith’s Reading Room invites members of the community to donate brand new, very easy readers and picture books to add to the Camel Library. Name tags will be inserted into the gift books with the donors name, if desired. Donations should be mailed before November 10th to Judith’s Reading Room, P.O. Box 164, Blandon, PA 19510.
The mission of Judith’s Reading Room is to enrich lives and societies by proactively encouraging freedom through literacy. To date, the organization has fulfilled that mission by establishing 101* libraries in 22* countries with over 128,000 books worth nearly US$1.4 million.
Applications for the 2021 Freedom Through Literacy Award will be posted on our website at www.judithsreadingroom.org in January 2021.