Tag: Chris McGilvery
News, News and more news from 2020 Grand Prize Winner
Congratulations to Chris McGilvery for meriting this coverage!!
Email from 2020 Grand Prize Winner Chris McGilvery!
Hi Cathy,
Hope you are having a good week. I am so honored to be the grand prize winner and represent Judith Krug’s legacy. What an honor. Please let the board know how appreciative I am and look forward to living out her legacy for my lifetime. 🙂 Have a great day!
***** see below for news links *****
Kindly, Chris McGilvery
Founder and Executive Director
The news, news and more news….
From West Texas A&M University – Literacy Nonprofit Founded by WT Staffer Wins National Award
From myhighplains.com: Literacy Nonprofit Founded by WT Staffer Wins National Award
From News Channel 10: Nationally recognized Canyon-based literacy program taking application